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2013年11月1日 星期五

英倫三島-Invergordon, Scotland

 結束尼斯湖半日遊, 再回到港口Invergordon (因弗戈登)

這個迷人的小鎮, 只有一條主要街道
看不到像其它英國城鎮有的古城堡, 大教堂
但隨處可見的彩繪壁畫, 表達出這小鎮文化, 歷史與的曾發生的重大事件
一座又高又尖的教堂, 可能就是這小鎮唯一的地標
 若不是有個牌子立在外面, 有誰會知那是警察局?
忽然間聽到"喔喔喔"的聲音, 可真是好久沒聞雞叫了
順著聲音走過去, 一公一母正在一棟美麗的屋前散步
往前看見"The Long Goodbye"幾個字, 走進一看, 原來是火車站
牆上的壁畫, 讓我想起一首歌...

"The Long Goodbye"

I know they say if you love somebody
You should set them free
But it sure is hard to do
It sure is hard to do
I know they say if you don't come back again
Then it's meant to be (so they say)
Those words don't pull me through
Cause I'm still in love with you
I spend each day here waiting for a miracle
But it's just you and me goin' through the mill
climbin' up a hill

This is the long goodbye
Somebody tell me why
Two lovers in love can't make it
Just what kind of love keeps breaking a heart
No matter how hard I try
I always make you cry
Come on, baby, it's over let's face it
All that's happening here is a long goodbye 

2 則留言:

  1. Inverness 我去過,Invergordon 我沒去過,從郵輪上看這小城好美!

  2. Invergordon 好美好溫馨的小鎮, 我愛死了他們牆上那些璧畫!
